Welcome to New Beginnings Community Church on James Island! We are so glad you are checking us out! We truly strive to make this a place where REAL life happens, a place among friends and strangers where we come together in a common goal of seeking God and worshipping Him.
tips and info for your first day
Below are a few things we thought would help you feel welcome and get to know the area before you arrive.
Children check-in and drop off
If you're registering children for the first time, please try to arrive 20 minutes early to service so that we have time to fill out registration, or pre-register HERE.
Check-in and drop off is at the side door with the building tinted blue below.
Check-in and drop off is at the side door with the building tinted blue below.
Parking can be found on both sides of the church and in the back, there is a one way in driveway by the NBCC sign and a one way out on the opposite side. We also have handicap parking readily available near the sanctuary doors, which is tinted orange below.
What to expect
We are a relaxed, friendly congregation! You will see folks dressed in their Sunday best AND shorts and flip flips for a boat ride after church!
A typical service lasts around 70 minutes. Our praise team leads us with contemporary, worshipful music.
The word you'll hear is biblically based and applicable in life. We encourage you to hang around afterward to meet some new faces and chat with friends that may be here!
Coffee and Tea
As you walk into the foyer there will be coffee, tea, and water.